Science and Technology for Ocean Worlds: Ice-Covered Chemosynthetic Ecosystems
This project partners a US team working on Ocean World astrobiology with international polar scientists to investigate a hydrogen-rich seafloor hydrothermal system in the ice-covered Arctic Ocean at seafloor pressures that are intermediate between those projected for submarine vents on Enceladus and the deeper seafloor of Europa.
PI Team at WHOI:
Chris German (lead), Jeff Seewald, Mike Jakuba, Andy Bowen
Co-I’s at JPL:
Andrew Branch, Andy Klesh, Steve Chien, Kevin Hand
International partners:
V.Schlindwein (AWI, Bremerhaven, Germany)
W.Bach & M.Walter (MARUM, Bremen, Germany)
N.Dubilier (MPI-MM, Bremen, Germany)
The Aurora vent field (82°N, Gakkel Ridge) lies beneath the most persistent multi-year ice in the Arctic Ocean. It also shows clear evidence of ultramafic-influenced venting despite prior work that showed the site to be hosted in young basaltic volcanism. This represents a novel geologic setting for submarine venting anywhere on Earth, but with particular potential to host abiotic organic synthesis. We hypothesize that the ultra-slow spreading Gakkel Ridge generates volcanism in such low volumes that only a thin veneer of basalt is extruded as a crust overlying uplifted mantle rocks. Thus, fracturing of the lithosphere allows seawater to circulate through both this young basaltic ocean crust and uppermost component of the underlying mantle. To test this, our colleague at AWI have proposed a 2 cruise program for seismic studies aboard their new icebreaker FS Polarstern and have invited PI German to sail as Co-Chief Scientist for the 2nd cruise (shiptime already secured for June-July 2023) to lead an international team that will study the seafloor vents at Aurora field using WHOI’s purpose built and now 5000m-rated Nereid Under Ice vehicle. Our interdisciplinary project will integrate geological, geochemical and micro-biological investigations of the high temperature venting already photographed at Aurora but pay particular attention to associated low-temperature venting because that is where our most recent NASA funded work has revealed that the greatest potential for both (a) abiotic organic synthesis in ultramafic-influenced submarine vents and (b) availability of chemical energy release to be exploited by microbial metabolisms (at temperatures <120°C) are expected to arise.
Our use of Nereid Under Ice to dive to ≥4000m deep vents in the ice-covered Arctic Ocean will immediately meet two PSTAR goals: testing and application of a mobile science platform that will be used to conduct in situ sensing, and sample acquisition and handling at pressures in excess of those inferred for seafloor venting at Enceladus and approaching those anticipated for Europa. Our work will also focus on two further PSTAR goals: techniques for autonomous operations and intelligent systems and human/robotic interfaces. Building on our prior PSTAR research (autonomous water-column localization of hydrothermal fields), we will develop methods for autonomous localization of low-temperature flow sites within a vent field, once it has been located (these low-T sites are now recognized as a high priority for astrobiology). Our work will compare single and multiple vehicle approaches to autonomous exploration for site localization, identification, and selection. We will conduct this work in shadow mode during Y1 Arctic field operations, and target full testing in partnership with NOAA OECI cruises in subsequent years. Once a (seafloor) target of interest has been identified, the next operational issue is how to land a mobile platform (location, orientation) to enable sample collection, manipulation and/or sensing. This challenge maps from present day deep ocean to future ocean world operations. Repositioning at the seafloor is costly (time, energy) and can compromise sampling sites. Here, therefore, we will combine terrain relative navigation with 3D projection to transform sparse seafloor data into enhanced situational awareness for vehicle operators that will improve efficiency at Earth’s seafloor and retire risks for landed operations on other Ocean Worlds.
Progress to-date:
Our research expedition to the Gakkel Ridge was highly successful despite particularly challenging ice conditions.

At the Aurora hydrothermal field we were able to locate seven new high temperature “black smoker” vents including one, QuiNUItuq, that measured nearly 20m tall.
Over the course of three dives to the site we were also able to reconfirm the location of three previously known “black smoker” vents, map the geological setting of all ten sites and collect end-member fluids from one of the new vents (OrbiLander) together with a conjugate mixed fluids from an adjacent site (Lander) where exiting fluids were 127°C, just 1°C hotter than the known limits to what life can withstand, on Earth.
Over our three dives at Aurora, we spent 9-10 hours with NUI submerged but, on successive dives, increased our time active at the seafloor from 2h to 3h and then nearly 4h. Ship drift was ~3-4km during each of these dives, and lateral separation of NNUI out under the ice-cover, away from the ship, was on the order of 1.5-2km. On a final 4th dive, at the Lucky B vent site on Lena Trough, our bottom time extended to >5h for science, the ship drift during our time with NUI submerged increased to 7.3km and maximum lateral separation beneath the 100% ice cover on that dive peaked at 2.7km.
Samples collected for our scientific program are now being analyzed in Jeff Seewald’s laboratory at WHOI. Data collected for our technology program are being incorporated into the autonomy research program underway at JPL.
Preliminary results have already been reported at the following international meetings:
AGU Fall Meeting, December 2023:
P43D-3310Exploring Hydrogen Rich Venting Beneath Ice on an Ocean World – Abiotic Processes in Subsurface Mixing Zones
Jeffrey Seewald1, Christopher R German2, Sean Sylva1, Victor Naklicki3 and PS137 NUI Engineering Team, (1)Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry, Woods Hole, United States, (2)Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, United States, (3)Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering Department, Woods Hole, United States
P51A-08Exploring hydrogen rich venting beneath ice on an ocean world - field report
Christopher R German1, Jeffrey Seewald2, Molly Curran2, Michael Jakuba2, Andrew Branch3, Andrew Klesh4, Andrew Bowen2, Steve Chien3, Kevin P Hand3, Vera S N Schlindwein5 and PS137 Engineering & Science Team, (1)Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, United States, (2)Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, United States, (3)NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, United States, (4)NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, United States, (5)Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz-Center for Polar and Marine Research Bremerhaven, Bremerhaven, Germany
Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 2024:
DS34B-0397Evaluating In-Situ Measurements of Hydrothermal Plume Tracers for Autonomous Exploration and Sampling
Andrew Branch, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, United States, Victoria Preston, Northeastern University, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Boston, United States, Rudi Lien, University of Oregon, Department of Earth Sciences, Eugene, OR, United States, Guangyu Xu, Applied Physics Laboratory University of Washington, Seattle, United States, Mary Burkitt-Gray, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Applied Ocean Physics and Engineering, Woods Hole, MA, United States and Christopher R German, WHOI, Woods Hole, MA, United States
AbSciCon24, May 2024:
104-01Exploring Hydrogen-Rich Venting Beneath an Ice-Covered Ocean – On Earth
Christopher R German1, Jeffrey Seewald1, Elmar Albers2, Sean Sylva3, Molly Curran4, Michael Jakuba5, Victor Naklicki6, Andrew Branch7, Andrew Klesh8, Vera S N Schlindwein9, Tea Isler9, Andrew Bowen4, Steve Chien7, Kevin P Hand7 and ALOIS (PS137) Research Team, (1)Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, United States, (2)Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Geology & Geophysics, Woods Hole, United States, (3)Woods Hole Science Center Woods Hole, Woods Hole, United States, (4)Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, United States, (5)Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst., Woods Hole, United States, (6)Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Applied Ocean Physics & Engineering Department, Woods Hole, United States, (7)NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, United States, (8)NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, United States, (9)Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz-Center for Polar and Marine Research Bremerhaven, Bremerhaven, Germany
104-02Four Thousand Meters Under Ice: Exploring Ice-Covered Chemosynthetic Ecosystems at the Aurora Vent Field with the NUI Hybrid Remotely Operated Vehicle
Michael Jakuba, Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst., Woods Hole, United States, Molly Curran, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, United States, Andrew Klesh, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, United States, H.Jakob Buenger, Drift+Noise Polar Services, Bremen, Germany, Christopher R German, WHOI, Woods Hole, MA, United States and PS137 Engineering & Science Team